App Reviews


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The iPhone has revolutionized various markets and has changed the way we go about doing things in our daily life. iPhone apps certainly make getting things done much easier and fun.The field of astronomy has benefited a lot from the emergence of the iPhone as well. There are plenty of cool applications that enable beginners and advanced astronomers have more fun with the sky and explore things in a whole new way. Vinmeen is one of those apps. It’s a powerful application that makes stargazing a piece of cake for amateur astronomers.

Sometimes you just want to see a specific object in the sky. After all, watching the same bright objects in the sky without knowing what they are or what their characteristics are is not much fun. This app not only helps you find your favorite objects in the sky, it also helps you become a more seasoned astronomer by providing the  information you need to go stargazing like a pro.

The app automatically calculates your location by using iPhone’s GPS. You can then use the app to track your favorite objects in the sky. It even provides you with directions to help you find objects in the sky. You don’t even have to know what you are doing or know anything about the object you are seeking to find it with this app.

While Vinmeen is designed to help beginners watch the sky more effectively, it has enough features for advanced astronomers as well. The Sky View feature is very interesting and brings a whole new meaning to watching the sky on a phone. I would like to see more objects added to the app’s database, and it’d be nice if more information is provided on constellations, stars, planets, and their moons.

Vinmeen is very easy to use and very well designed. It’s pretty affordable considering what others charge with similar types of apps. Worth a look if you are a fan of astronomy.

Rating: 8.1/10


The developers behind Vinmeen have been kind enough to provide us with 5 promo codes for this excellent app. The rules are simple. The first 3 people who complete the following steps will get a free promo code for Vinmeen:

  1. Log on to and come back here and let me know what excites you the most about Vinmeen in the comment section (you need to leave a comment to enter!).
  2. Follow @iPhoneness on Twitter and tweet the following (or click here):  Vinmeen Astronomy App #Giveaway. Follow @iPhoneness and log on to to win

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Disclosure: review copy and giveaway codes provided.

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