App Reviews

Namechk for iPhone

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There is nothing more frustrating than registering a domain name only to find out that the name you have taken is not available on popular social networks. If you are trying to build a brand or choose the same name for all your social accounts, you should do your due diligence to choose the right username right from the start. Namechk for iPhone is a simple tool that shows you whether your favorite username is available at top social networking and bookmarking websites.

Namechk is pretty simple and does what it promises well. All you have to do is provide it with your favorite username and let the app do the rest. It clearly shows in which networks your name is taken. The app offers domain name suggestions as well. Namechk keeps track of your searches too.

Namechk is a simple, time-saving tool that helps you register the best usernames possible for your social accounts. It makes you more productive checking usernames across multiple networks. The app is free at the time of this writing.

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